If you have not found an answer to your question, please contact us at ue.aporue.negordyh-naelc@sa-srh-e
HRS is the abbreviation of “hydrogen refuelling station”. Hydrogen cars, buses and trucks can typically refuel with gaseous hydrogen at two different pressure levels: 350 and 700 bar. Most HRS are located at conventional petrol/diesel refuelling stations but some are “stand-alone” at a private or public site that can be accessed by cars.
E-HRS-AS is the abbreviation of “European Hydrogen Refuelling Stations Availability System”, a common platform to collect, process and publish information on HRS sites and availability states throughout Europe.
The E-HRS-AS and this website are set up and managed by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is an part of the European Union, set up under the form of a unique public private partnership that supports research and development and demonstration (RTD) activities in fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies in Europe. It aim is to accelerate the market introduction of these technologies, realising their potential as an instrument in achieving a carbon-clean energy system.
Fuel cells, as an efficient conversion technology, and hydrogen, as a clean energy carrier, have great potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, dependence on hydrocarbons and to contribute to economic growth. The objective of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership is to bring these benefits to Europeans through a concentrated effort from all sectors.
The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is formed by the European Commission, Hydrogen Europe who represent fuel cell and hydrogen industries and Hydrogen Europe Research who represent the research community.
There are no requirements! The E-HRS-AS is a public platform and as such everyone is welcome to join. Depending on what you want to do (register stations, consult a map…) you will find personalised instructions on the home page.
h2.live is a proprietary app owned by H2Mobility Germany to publish HRS availability information along with other information and services for their customers. A similar app is provided by FillnDrive.
The E-HRS-AS is a European platform set up by the Clean Hydrogen JU to collect HRS information and availability signals in a harmonized and quality secured manner. We are not linked to any private stakeholders of the hydrogen chain and offer a purely public service. The aim of the E-HRS-AS is to collect, process and provide HRS sites and availability information free of charge, provided the source is acknowledged (© Clean Hydrogen JU, 2020). Anyone who would like to develop an app, map or other service to inform about station existence and availability is welcome to use our data. All static and dynamic information is shared via an open-source interface. HRS owners and operators may access the information of their own stations via the secured operators’ portal to add or change site information, customer notification and evaluate station performance using the recording and reporting function.
The source of information used in h2.live and the E-HRS-AS is identical for the HRS owned and operated by H2Mobility in Germany. Some HRS in Europe have been connected directly to the h2.live app via a plant monitoring system. The E-HRS-AS platform does not accept information provided by this interface as data quality and compliance to availability definitions could not be verified.
Please refer to the About Us page for more information.
You will need to name a person we can contact to organise the integration of your system into the platform. As soon as your HRS has been integrated, we will create an user account for the contact person on the operators’ platform to complete the static HRS site information on the portal and upload a picture of your station
You can use our map for that: h2-map.eu
Please refer to the home page: “how to add a station“.
Please refer to the home page: “how to receive data”.
The website where you are currently on is the home website of the E-HRS-AS. It explains who we are, what we do and how to join us.
h2-map.eu is an application of our database. It is a map using our data and is directly administered by us.
The h2-map.eu/portal website is where station operators and owners can follow the activity of their stations and add information on them.
The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is our funder and operator and has its own website to present various projects, including the E-HRS-AS.