About us
The E-HRS-AS is an initiative of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, a unique public-private partnership supporting research and innovation activities in hydrogen technologies in Europe.
The platform is solely funded by the European Union. The aim of the program is to assemble a reliable database on the state of the hydrogen refuelling infrastructure in the Union and share it with anyone that requests it. To that effect, we centralise information from operators all over Europe and issue tokens for free to users interested in the data.
By freely disseminating this crucial information, the E-HRS-AS helps foster the rise of a credible, easy-to-use component of the transport revolution.
Find more about the Clean Hydrogen Partnership
To learn more about the motivation and the history of the European Hydrogen Refuelling Station Availability System, please see our project presentation:
Download: E-HRS-AS Presentation [PDF, 2MB]
The consortium of the European Hydrogen Refuelling Station Availability System (E-HRS-AS)
The development, implementation and operation of the E-HRS-AS was subcontracted to Spilett, ERM and ENDA. They conduct the day-to-day operations of the platform in close coordination with the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.